What do you know? What is the knowledge we think we command. Does it benefit us in any way? Does it really matter? All we know is that its gets us from point A to B. But whats beyond that? What do we know as Christians, does the knowledge we “have” enrich our faith. Does it bring others closer to the word. What do we know?
I mean what's the point of getting up every morning. Why do we do the things we do? Is there a reason, or is it all part of one big script that's now been engraved into a daily routine. Who governs our actions and thoughts. Are we trying to be better . Or are we comfortable with the way things are, afraid to venture forth. When I say venture forth I mean, reaching within ourselves to find that place where it's just us and our God. When I say venture forth I mean, reaching out to help those in dire need. Have we become so selfish. Is it the norm these days to standby and watch sin consume us. Oh, we just don't know.
We have become pros at twisting the word and our situations to better suit our actions. Everything has become tailor made to suit the sinner within. Do we sin because we don't know better? Do we sin...oh yes because we are only human. We sin fully aware and in control of everything. We are making the devils job easier for him. It's all part of the script right. You do wrong, when you get to a certain point you decide to pray for forgiveness. You're forgiven and the cycle continues. When will enough be enough? Have we no compassion for our God? Oh, we don't know or we just don't understand.
The cycle continues. We keeping going. Hurting those in our path. Casting aside all who don't fall into our blind side. We turn away from the one who truly loves us. Have you ever been hurt by someone you love, now gather all that pain and note that it's not even a fraction of the pain we put God through. Because we don't know. Now gather up that love you had/have for that person, that cannot amount to the unconditional love our Father give us. Everything is tailor made to suit us and to heck with everyone else. Right?
We think we command knowledge. We think we know...better. Yet we do wrong all the time. Yes we make mistakes. But the time has come for us to learn from them. The time has come to shake off this spiritual blindness. “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind can see and those who see will become blind” John 9:39. We think we know it all. We think we can do wrong and still be one step ahead of our actions. We think its OK to do certain things as long as we don't go “too far”. We think. But my bible tells me we should lean not on our own understanding. What do we know? Nothing. Till we start to see with our open eyes we know nothing. Till we start to be governed by love and compassion we know nothing. Till we make an honest decision to truly accept God as our Saviour in our lives we know nothing. Till we stop altering and adjusting His teachings to suit our life styles we know nothing. We are turning from Him. And it hurts Him.
You don't know? Or you don't care? When will enough be enough? How far gone must you be before to you turn back. Turn back and return home. We think we can see where we are going. We think we are in control of everything. But when it all comes crashing down, what do we do...lets hope and pray it wont be too late. For the time is now for us to educate and to ready ourselves. One thing we should know is that we are not of this world. We are driven by the pleasures of this world that come with an after taste of nothingness. Emptiness. Lies. Heartache. Why must we settle for such...
It's time we made up our minds. It's time we stopped chopping and changing things. “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.”John 14:1. It's not an easy path to walk, but we are not alone. “There is a place of quiet rest near to the heart of God...”
Life is too short not to know God.