Lord Speak To Me

Hear the word of the Lord

Friday, September 24, 2010

Even The Husband you have is not yours!!!

We share once again from the Holy Scriptures.God speaks through his word.I do not know if you are holding on to things of the past that hinder you from achieving your potential..God is saying "LET GO AND LET GO AND NEVER LET GO".Today we talk under the subject "EVEN THE HUSBAND YOU HAVE IS NOT YOURS"

John 4:4-42

Jesus was a man on a mission,he was never tired of healing the sick, lame, blind, dumb, deaf and those who were spiritually weak and sick. This time he was on his way to Galilee but verse 4 says "Now Jesus had to got through Samaria"..Someone was in need of the word and Jesus went a different route in order to meet that person at their point of need.He did not care how hot it was, how hungry or thirsty he was but he went out of his way.
How often do we go out of our way to serve others? We want to be great but the first step to greatness is humility.Jesus humbled himself and went out of his way and went to Samaria and met a woman at the well.The woman busied herself as if Jesus was not at the well, she ignored him as she came to draw water.We ignore the presence of our maker and saviour Jesus Christ.He is patiently waiting for us to come,but then we come and busy ourselves with wrong things instead of focusing on the master.But Jesus does not keep quiet he speaks to the woman verse 7 and he asks for water to drink. Jesus asks this woman of something valuable to her. She is not worried about the value but about him being a Jew and her a Samaritan(they did not see eye to eye)Jesus is Holy and we are not but he still wants to associate with us. He said "It is not the healthy who need the doctor but the sick" Just as its the sinner who need the Saviour. Jesus just wanted what this woman thought sustained her.Unless you do not want to let go, God can not give you cause you are full of it!!!!

Jesus offers he water and she doesnt understand where he could get it from. He could have worked a miracle and got water but no, he wanted the woman to let go.What Jesus gives to us satisfies our thirst for worldly things.He satisfies our craving.

All of a sudden Jesus tells the woman that if she wants this water she must go and call her husband. The woman replies "I do not have one",Jesus says 'surely,infact you have 5 and the one you have now is not yours"


Jesus asks the woman to bring it to her husband. Some of us are married to pain,pride,hate,envy jealousy,boasting,sex,adultery,fornication,drugs,alcohol the list goes on but Jesus says bring it to me cause what you have and are married to are not yours.
He says marry me and i will give you JOY,PEACE;HOPE,FAITH,ENDUARANCE,REST,LOVE,KINDNESS,PURITY,HONESTY AND THE LIST IS ENDLESS.God wants to give us all these things all he asks is of you to bring it to him,
Matthew11:28 "Come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and i will give you rest"

Leave the things you are married to at Jesus feet and as he says we are his bride,let us marry him as our Husband

May God's grace abound in your Life

Pastor T. Mhlanga

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