Lord Speak To Me

Hear the word of the Lord

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A dose of tough LOVE...

As Christians we love to romanticize things , I suppose it's human nature. We love to hear things like, “We are destined for great things' or “ My sister your husband is on his way”. We seem to overlook the fact that the devil hates us. He wont let us 2 step into heaven . He's going to fight tooth and nail to get what he wants. Trust me the battle will be scary and gruesome. It's time for us to face reality. I ain't a pastor or anyone with a degree to back me up. I may be uncultured in my speech but my Lord God has given me His stamp of approval. And I tell you now He is coming soon. Now is the time to ready ourselves, He may not be here tomorrow but I will sing this tune till the end of my days.

In 2 Peter 3:9 my bible tells me , “ The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” In the same way we do not view time the way He does. He may be arriving next week, next year or maybe in century or so, but the point I'm stressing is that the time is NOW for us to ready ourselves as the chosen people. Job 6:25 “ how painful are honest words” we make God sound like some hippie at times, who will not step up and get tough when the time comes. We view the devil as some guy that will consider your situation or your feelings before he strikes. That is not the case. He's the type of guy that will kick you when your down, spit in your face, push you so low and so far into the dark, you'll find yourself in a slump you will fail to rise from. Yes the battle is already won but it still needs to be fought!!

There is so much that has to be done we need to prepare ourselves and not stick to this comfort zone of following Christ. We need to break free from this cycle, the longer we stay the further we stray from a our true potential and purpose for which we were intended. There is nothing good about life on earth when God has prepared rooms for us up in heaven. We are simply passing through embarking on a journey that, yes, seems so never ending, but, here comes a cliché....there is light at the end of the tunnel. We say seek He 1st , but we don't really get the seriousness and intensity of such a statement. It took years of wading through sin, but when I finally surfaced I understood. Feeling anew. I was nothing and God gave me chance. What right do I have to give up on Him now?? Seek He 1st and everything else shall fall into place. I don't know about you but I do not serve a dormant God...Isaiah 66: 9 “ Do I bring the moment of birth and not give delivery?”

Like the lost coin in Luke 15:8 God will look high and low for us. It now becomes a personal choice as to whether you want to be found. And when you are found will you live by the spirit, will you “Endure hardship with us like the good solider of Christ Jesus. No-one serving as a solider gets involved in domestic affairs-he wants to please his commanding officer.” 2 Timothy 2:3-4. Someone once said and I quote “ we are married to too many things here on earth” how can can we embrace Him if our fists are already tightly clenched with our fingers, lips and hearts stained with immorality. Which has now become part of our day-to-day life. Look deep within yourself and you will realize I'm talking about you, about your life. About the lives of those close to you and you do nothing but watch them slowly self-destruct.

Yes we are sinners but if we let go and let God, our sins though like scarlet shall be white as snow. Revelations 14:12 says it best “this calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints..”. Patience with others is Love. Patience with self is Hope. Patience with God is Faith. And that's what we need to cover ourselves with; love for one another that 1st Corinthians kinda love. Hope which in itself is such a powerful thing how can the devil win when there is still hope within us, we are more than conquerors because of the hope factor rooted within. Faith that link between us and our Saviour that needs to be nurtured daily through prayer and interaction with others in fellowship.

Lets not restrict ourselves by giving the devil free reign in our lives. We need to challenge ourselves more in our faith, we need to WAKE UP from this slumber and get to know God and get to experience Him fully. Because He loves us so much, giving up is not an option and if tough Love is required then so be it...

by Nicola Manduna

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