Lord Speak To Me

Hear the word of the Lord

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Inbox (1)

You hurt me but i still love you...I reached out to bring you closer, but you pushed my hand aside. "Not now" you said. Standing by me at that point in your life was not important to you. You hurt me but i still love you. I tried to get your attention, tried to make you see that the love i have for you is not the kind of love the world has blindly perverted. I tried to bring you to me. I still am...waiting for you. You hurt me but i still love you. YOU still mean everything to me..

Yes you there covered in sin and shame

yes you there choking on your lies

yes you there terrorizing your loved ones

yes you there with the broken heart

yes you there who is struggling with immoral temptations

yes you there fighting to get closer yet you feel your unworthy

yes you there with your head down

yes you there that feels so alone and unloved

Yes...You hurt me but i still love you....

Make the decision here and now....get on your knees where ever you are...and reach out; with your hand, with your heart, with your spirit. Reach out. He's right there doing the same...reaching out. We hurt Him but He still loves us, let Him fill the void. Reach out through prayer..and grab on to Him, once you do, your journey as a Christian and your journey to be more like Him begins.

let us pray....

by Nicola Manduna

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