Lord Speak To Me

Hear the word of the Lord

Monday, November 1, 2010

When will you start being a Christian??

So I'm on this walk with Christ and we are getting really close. I mean the amount of love between us is amazing. Yet my heart is sore. My mind is troubled. As Shakespeare put it “oh full of scorpions is my mind”. I'm deeply troubled and for what?

The love I thought I had found with someone all gone. Just like all we had didn't matter.

Certain aspects of my life have changed though for the better. I've been called to step forward , yet I'm afraid I wont be able to keep up and do the right thing.

My family slowly falling to pieces.

My friends going through so much heartache and pain. Plagued by peer pressure as they wonder like the lost sheep they are.

Life on earth is not a pretty thing. Was walking the streets of Jo burg and I saw a “common” sight that broke my heart because there was nothing I could do. I saw a elderly woman sitting under the harsh sun on the the filth that we call the streets of jozi. A blind beggar, a woman that could've been my own mother. Sitting there dressed in rags like she had be stuffed into them. There she sat, trapped in her circumstances. She was eating as she sat, but what she ate...her meal for the day was a paper plate of chips generously covered in flies and mould. My heart sank. It became sore so sore. But I did nothing, I carried on walking.

My heart is sore, the tears keep coming, rolling down my cheeks filling my eyes till my vision gets so blurry I feel myself stumble as I walk. I walk. I walk. I continue on my daily walk with Christ. These are but a fraction of the things I face. What do you face or try to escape from. How can we say we walk with Christ when we do nothing in this world to help others?? That's all Christ did, that was His main objective, to help those in need. But what do we do, we keep walking thinking we're walking with Christ, while He's standing there next to the blind beggars in our lives. Waiting on us to be CHRISTIANS!

How many have you walked away from? For how long must it be this way. My bible tells me in Proverbs 19;17 “he who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord”. What will we lack by giving? Yes we have our own problems in life to face our “drama' to deal with. But “ the best exercise for strengthening the heart is reaching down and lifting people up.”. We have become so selfish and self absorbed in things we think matter most. But does the bible not say love thy neighbour as you love thy self.

What are we doing about the beggars in our lives? Literally the poor that need us to share just a bit of what we have. And the poor that are weak in their faith and need us to share our daily bread with them. My heart is sore.. but the love He has for me will make up for the love I lost. My mind is troubled but that call will keep coming, He'll hold my hand and as the light at my feet He will guide the way. But what of those that don't see and haven't learnt what it is that I have learnt on my daily walks with Christ. You can not walk with Him and not be affected by what He stands for.

Yes I do not understand His ways totally, but what would be the point if I did? The point is to grow, and with this growth in turn share it with others. Its time for us to start being Christians. Its time for us to start being active and help those around us that need it. Yes it may seem prayer is not effective but it is oh yes it is. Pray and be active be a vessel that wants to be used. It's time to pull each other up.

When I saw that woman it wasn't the first time I'd seen a beggar. But today I saw through different eyes. I felt, I was moved. Foolish of me to think nothing can be done. I'm reaching down, the beggars in my life are there for a reason and I will not be held accountable on judgment day for walking away. I've started, so I ask you now He wants to know after so long...When will you start being a Christian?

by Nicola Manduna

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